18. WTG Tagung 2023
Theoretische und baupraktische Modellierung von Windwirkungen


We are happy to announce several very interesting topics for the workshop! The broad variety of wind engineering is covered: starting with the modelling of wind climate under extreme conditions, over vortex induced vibrations and aeroelasticity, to gust induced phenomena, its sophisticated representation and real-data handling. We are very much looking forward to these contributions and thank the authors in advance for their efforts and participation!!!

Update: We can confirm now a keynote lecture, given by Prof. Ahsan Kareem! We believe this is a perfect introduction to the wide field of Wind Engineering with respect to advanced modeling and data analysis.

The book of abstracts is available (preliminary version):  CWE_Book_of_Abstracts-FINAL.pdf

Date: 26 October 2022

Start: 9:45 (UTC+2)

Introduction, Welcome to the Workshop
Feldmann, M. (Director CWE, RWTH Aachen University): 

"The role of wind load concepts for modern structural engineering”
Reese, S.: (Dean, Faculty of Civil Engineering, RWTH Aachen University):

“Welcome from the faculty of civil engineering”
Fontecha, R. (Researcher CWE, RWTH Aachen University):
"Presentation of the program"

Keynote Lecture: Prof. Ahsan Kareem (Notre Dame University, USA) [10:00]

Emerging frontiers in wind engineering: Computing, stochastics, machine learning and beyond

Short Break

Section 1: Wind Climate and its numerical Representation [10:45]
1) Huang, M. (ZJU, China [+6:00]):
Multi-scale numerical simulation of typhoon wind effects on urban building blocks
2) Zuzul, J. (University Genoa, Italy):
CFD simulations of extreme thunderstorm downburst winds

Short Break

Section 2: Vortex induced Vibrations and Aeroelasticity [11:40]
3) Lupi, F. (RU Bochum, Germany):
Investigation of vortex induced vibrations through full-scale and wind tunnel experiments
4) Rigo, F. (ULG Liege, Belgium):

Parameter identification of generalized Vortex Induced Vibration model

5) Wei, C. (Tongji University, China [+6:00]):
Bayesian spectral density approach for identification of bridge section’s flutter derivatives operated in turbulent flow

Lunch Break [Expected 12:45-13:30]

Section 3: Gust Response and Realdata Analysis
6) Bronkhorst, O. (TNO, Netherlands):
High-rise structural property identification through model updating
7) Kemper, F. (TNO, Netherlands / RWTH Aachen, Germany):
Inverse identification of the gust loading of a high-rise tower with Bayesian statistics
8) Esposito Marzino, M. (ULG Liege, Belgium):
An optimised Numerical Method for the Higher-Order Stochastic Dynamic Response computation of large MDOFs systems subjected to Non-Gaussian Turbulent Wind Loading

Short Break

9) Geuzaine, M. (ULG Liege, Belgium):
Third-order spectral analysis of an oscillator subjected to wind loads with complex-valued bispectrum.
10) Hochschild, J. (Stanford University, USA [-9:00]):
Full-scale wind pressure measurements on the Space Needle

Discussion: "Challenges in Wind Engineering"

Closing [Expected 15:30]

Interested and not registered yet? Please register  for the workshop if you want to participate and have access to the abstracts.

Schedule and Zoom-Link

The workshop will take place at the 26 October 2022.

As soon as the final program is confirmed, we will publish it on this page and provide the link to the Zoom stream and to the Q&A platform to all  registered participants via email.

Accompanying Q&A Platform

During the workshop, we will launch a platform based on Zoom, where participants can raise questions and give comments.